The Weekend Is Not for Cleaning

Contact with +Johanna Stevens


People in big cities, like London, have a very stressful and busy routine. Most of them leave the domestic chores for the weekend, as they don’t have the time to do them during the week. This makes their lives even more stressful, because they don’t have a minute to rest – they work during the week and deal with housework during the weekend.


A professional cleaner advises not to leave the domestic chores for the weekend, so to be able to rest. How can you do that? Here are a few tips on how to ease your job:

  • You probably know that to separate a few tasks in five days is a lot easier than to leave them all for one or two days only. So do not leave all of the chores for Saturday and Sunday, but make a routine. You’ll need about an hour or less a day to accomplish everything before the weekend. For example, remove the cobwebs on Monday and dust the furniture; vacuum your whole place on Tuesday; clean the windows on Wednesday; clean the bathroom on Thursday; do the laundry on Friday, and while waiting for the washing machine to finish clean the kitchen.
  • Always wash your dishes after you finish eating. Don’t leave them to pile in your sink.
  • Ventilate your place every day.

Even if you manage to do only a couple of the mentioned above chores during the week, you will ease your job for the weekend a lot. And if you don’t have the time and nerves to deal with housework at all, then forget about the above tips and call a professional cleaner in London. You won’t have to think about anything but your work during the week, and rest during the weekend, because the professional will do all of your housework for you.

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Author: Johanna Stevens

Johanna Stevens is a student in London. Her mother is working as a professional cleaner and she taught her daughter a lot of useful home cleaning recipes. Johanna is now determined to pass them to all readers, who are interested to make their home clean and tidy for less time than usual.

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