How to Make an Ice Mandala

Contact with +Susan Enis


The word mandala means “circle”, “completion”, “content” in Sanskrit and it is a concentric diagram with ritual significance in Buddhism and Hinduism. The mandala is believed to improve our energy field and make us more happy and fulfilled.


Let yourself be inspired by the winter landscape and create a rather unusual but beautiful home artan ice mandala. It’s easy to make and it will look amazing in your garden.


You will need just a few ingredients:

  • circular baking pan
  • rope
  • water
  • berries, evergreen leaves or petals

How to Create Your Ice Mandala


  1. Fill the circular baking pan with water.
  2. Tape the rope to one side of the pan.
  3. Place the berries, leaves or petals inside.
  4. Leave the pan outside, so nature can do its work.
  5. When the water freezes, you can hang the ice mandala on a tree, your door or front porch and enjoy its beauty.

Another lovely idea is to freeze a lace napkin, which will look like a captured giant snowflake.


It is that simple to make an ice mandala and you can do it by yourself for several minutes. Give it a try.


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Author: Susan Enis

Susan Enis is a working woman with a family in London. Her best friend works in a professional cleaning London company. Susan started to experiment with different cleaning techniques, because of her friend. And now, she is an expert in that sphere – she can clean every kind of stains, spills and spots very quickly and effectively.

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