How to Clean Crayon from Walls

Contact with +Samantha Collins


clean crayon from wallsKids act like little monsters now and then. A mother’s dream is to wrap everything in the house in plastic, so that it can’t be ruined. But only if you knew how easy can be to clean crayon from your wall. Now you can discover what to use and how to do it the right way.

Kids have big imagination and can be even more creative during the night. If you wake up and see a couple of animals looking at you from your wall, you’re either dreaming or you have an artist at home. Don’t call the re-painting company right away The possibility of waking up the next morning only to see a different portrait on the wall, is very big. Cleaning is a much better solution than re-painting.

Take a blow dryer and heat the spot you want to clean. The wax will melt a little. Use a clean towel and just a little bit of mild soap to wash it off gently. Toothpaste can also be a life saver in this situation, as well as baking soda. It’s the must-have cleaning product for every home and it’s really effective, especially for carpet cleaning. Mix it with water and scrub gently on the spot.

Believe it or not – baby oil, mayonnaise, hairspray, vinegar and hand lotion can be your little helpers. It may sound strange, but it actually works.

Always to test every cleaning solution on a hidden spot first. There are different kinds of wallpapers and paints. One product might work on the wall paint, but create a disaster when used on a wallpaper. The most important thing is to stay calm. Don’t panic and make a simple painting on the wall looks like a bigger deal than it actually is.

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Author: Samantha Collins

Samantha Collins is an writer and her specialities are the cleaning articles. She has three children and when a mother wants to maintain the perfect home, she just has to be a perfect housewife and to know a lot of cleaning tricks to make her cleaning more easy and effective.

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