Green, Natural, or Homemade Cleaning Products

Contact with +Johanna Stevens


Green and natural cleaning products are the hit on the market. Green or homemade – this is a dilemma. Find out what is best for you and your family.


Green cleaning is a common noun. It refers to less harmful, and more environmentally-friendly way of cleaning. Most of them refrain from using bleach and other harsh chemicals. But why really?

Is there any difference between green cleaning products and home-made ones? Unfortunately there is. Just read the labels carefully. The basic advantage of commercial cleaners is that they are ready for use. Just buy one and get down to cleaning. The disadvantage here is that green products cost more. You can’t save green by buying green cleaners.

Natural cleaning products are these with less preservatives. An average green cleaning product has an expiration date, which is more than one-year period. Natural products are made of non-toxic compounds, and they lack the preservatives. They are cheaper due to the above stated reason.

Homemade products are the safest of the three. You know what you need, you know what you mix. The best advantage is that home-made products are the cheapest alternative. Just remember that whatever you mix you should use it all immediately. Do not store the mixture for later, as it loses its cleaning properties. You should use the products within 2 hours at the most.

And finally a home-made all-purpose cleaner recipe. Get borax, salt and baking soda. Mix them in a cup and add some water to make a paste. Using this solution you can clean porcelain, metal and even stainless steel. Just try it. Rinse well.

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Author: Johanna Stevens

Johanna Stevens is a student in London. Her mother is working as a professional cleaner and she taught her daughter a lot of useful home cleaning recipes. Johanna is now determined to pass them to all readers, who are interested to make their home clean and tidy for less time than usual.

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