January 11, 2013

Cleaning after the Holidays

We had many family dinners, we opened all of our presents, we welcomed the new year. Now we have to go back to reality, because the holidays are over unfortunately. But this fact shouldn’t get us down since there is a brand new great year awaiting. So the faster we adapt to the situation, the better. You can start by cleaning your home after the holidays in order to get motivated for doing things and achieving goals.

christmas-ornaments-box (more…)

November 26, 2012

10 Most Unusual Houses

If you think that your neighbour’s house looks strange or weird, then you are about to change your opinion very soon. I have gathered a special collection with some of the most unusual houses around the world. It is difficult to put them in order by their bizarreness but you can decide for yourself which is the most unusual. shoe-house (more…)

October 19, 2012

The Smallest House in the World

Have you ever wondered how small is the smallest house in the world? Well, here is your answer – 96 square feet. Yes, you read that right! Maybe now you think “But even my closet or bathroom is bigger than that”. I was also very surprised when I learned that fact and I was amazed how somebody can live in total space of 96 square feet. (more…)

September 10, 2012

Methods of Lipstick Stain Cleaning

Some stains are really unwanted. Lipstick stains are such. You don’t want them on your cheeks, let alone the sheets. Some of you may think about awkward moments involving cheating or just at trivial case of a new outfit ruined by a lipstick stain on it. Basically, lipstick stains are greasy ones, thus making them hard to deal with, although it’s not impossible if you follow these tips below. (more…)

September 5, 2012

Remove Mayonnaise Stains From The Carpet

It’s always a disaster when you’re enjoying your dinner and you shake the almost empty mayonnaise bottle and a big amount of mayonnaise squirts onto the carpet. Not only you will have to interrupt your meal but you also have to put a lot of elbow grease to get rid of it. In this article we’ll show you a quick and efficient method of getting rid of mayonnaise stains.
